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Vision and Aims

At Ings Primary School we believe that a child’s early education is formative and enduring. The lessons we teach give the knowledge, skills, beliefs and attitudes that inform future choices and life’s direction. They enable children to begin to discover who they are and what their place in a rapidly changing world might be. Our work is to provide children with a caring and safe environment in which to discover the adventure that is life.


We make it our mission to enable children to be successful and active participants in their own future, active participants in the futures of their friends, families and local community and active participants in the future of the world that they will inherit from us.


Our Curriculum Drivers  and Rationale​

  • Reading, Language and Vocabulary, development at heart of the curriculum


35% of children have very limited  access to books and  46% have limited experience of having stories read to them. Language deprivation is a barrier to their learning and they are not exposed to a rich vocabulary or a wide variety of opportunities or experiences for talk within their family homes and lifestyles. 35% of children start school with little or no English language. This directly impacts on access to all learning. 


  • Experiential learning opportunities, to excite, enthuse and engage and raise aspirations.


Children have limited life experiences and opportunities,  as our community is in an area of high social deprivation with 50% of households within the 25% of most deprived households nationally.  In our Trust we are dedicated to providing  meaningful experiences that broaden children’s horizons and raise their aspirations for a successful future ensuring they have a sense of place and belonging in their communities, our city, our country and the world. 


  • Creativity and Innovation, developing independence, thinking and questioning. 


Inspire our children through creativity and innovation. This equips our children to be prepared for a rapidly evolving world, to develop resilience and to be able to adapt. To be able to ask questions, reason, make decisions to develop as individuals; to be aware of choices, teaching children to be independent thinkers and capitalise on the connections within the curriculum, enabling access to more profound learning opportunities.


  • Children as teachers, sharing knowledge. Knowing more and remembering more.


When given the opportunity to teach we retain 95% of what has been learned this empowers children to retain knowledge, apply it and make connections.


  • Valuing each other, promoting respect, responsibility, tolerance and understanding to ensure children are valuing themselves and others as citizens of our local and global communities.


We believe that respect for ourselves and others is vital for children to thrive, make a positive contribution to their world and make informed choices as global citizens, in our ever changing world.


Underpinning and inspiring our vision and aims are a set of Cooperative and British values that you can read more about here.

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